Expedite's ethics policy

Expedite is produced, written, and distributed by me, Kristen Hawley, with (very) limited exceptions. Expedite is supported by its readers, and I work to maintain a high standard of professional ethics. If you have questions, please ask.

Editorial content

  • When Expedite makes a mistake, we work to correct it as soon as possible and disclose the correction to readers, often through multiple channels including Substack Notes and LinkedIn.

  • I do not accept payment to write about any company.

  • I do accept news under embargo. However, embargoes are an agreement, requiring my opt-in. Please do not send news marked as embargoed without a prior agreement.

  • I do not accept gifts of great value including fully comped restaurant meals. I do attend hosted press events and will accept the odd meal with an executive.

  • I co-host a podcast called The Simmer, supported by Bite. The Simmer is an editorial production and its content is not vetted by Bite prior to recording or publication, though I am compensated for my time. I disclose this relationship when I write about Bite.

  • I contribute to a number of outlets outside of Expedite, including editorial publications backed by companies I cover. I disclose these relationships when relevant.

Sponsored content and paid partnerships

  • From time to time, Expedite produces sponsored content with a limited number of partners. This work will always be clearly labeled as sponsored or partner content.

  • Occasionally I am paid by companies in the restaurant technology space for my time conducting onstage interviews, panel moderation, or for my support during other events. Unless otherwise stated, I am appearing in my own capacity as founder and editor of Expedite. I receive no inside information from these companies while participating. My participation should not be considered an endorsement and I am never acting as a representative of the host company.